Here is the ultimate test of Irishness. Will you pass with flying colours?

Want to know if you fulfil the Irish stereotype? Well, this can be an exciting and entertaining way to find out. While many quirks are associated with being Irish, some are not entirely true, but then again, some couldn’t be more accurate.
So, if you consider yourself a proper Irish person, you will relate to these specific Irish things. Let’s see; if 8/10 of these are true, you are definitely Irish.
10. You LOVE meeting new people – a social bunch

You are definitely Irish if you consider yourself a social butterfly, something that many Irish people get pleasure out of.
We love to meet new people, either when travelling abroad or when international visitors come to our country, and we are a very welcoming bunch if we say so ourselves.
9. The Irish goodbye is your thing – a vanishing act

Do you cringe at the thought of saying goodbye at a party or any gathering and instead opt to disappear into the night?
This is known as the Irish goodbye. It’s a common trait amongst the Irish, who would rather not draw out the long goodbye.
8. You love a chat and a cuppa – the cure for everything in Ireland

Irish people love tea, and they love to talk, so of course, these two traits go hand in hand. So, if you love a good natter over a cuppa, then you are definitely Irish.
In Ireland, we drink tea on every occasion, whether you are stressed, relaxing, socialising, sad, or just craving one – it’s our thing!
7. You could talk the ears of everyone – the gift of the gab

You are definitely Irish if you have the gift of the gab, and this is something we pride ourselves on. Many people coming to Ireland venture off to Cork to kiss the Blarney Stone in the hopes of inheriting our love of talking, but only the lucky few are successful.
6. You are privy to a pint of Guinness – our national pint

While Guinness might not be a drink you would consume all night long, many nights and days out feature a pint of the black stuff – because we love it.
Nothing out there tastes remotely like Guinness, and nothing beats an ice-cold pint in a sunny beer garden. Are we right?
5. You love a good rant – a nation of complainers

We LOVE to complain; as a nation, we put our hands up and unashamedly admit it. So, if you are accustomed to a good bout of complaining, then you are definitely Irish.
Moaning is a sense of bonding, especially if we can moan with our friends about the same thing.
4. You can’t accept a compliment – a common occurrence

If you find yourself shying away from a compliment and saying things like ‘Ah no, sure, it’s just an old dress’ or ‘Ah stop, I didn’t even make an effort’, then you are fulfilling the Irish stereotype.
The Irish see it as being overconfident or vain to accept a compliment when it is actually relatively standard elsewhere.
3. You are always up for the craic – the fun-loving Irish

Irish people are always up for laughing and are the kind of people you can count on for spontaneous nights out and an all-around good time.
We love to have the craic with our friends and new people we meet, which is our way of casually bonding with someone.
2. You live for Sunday roasts and fry-ups – good old Irish food

Sunday roasts and fry-ups epitomise Irish cuisine, and nothing beats our top-quality meats, fresh bread and dairy, all of which we love to enjoy on the weekends.
The smell of either of these meals is something that has us drooling before we have eaten and sat down at the table.
1. You talk in slang – unique Irish phrases

While ‘Grand’ and ‘Deadly’ are just a few Irish slang terms, there are a wide variety of words we incorporate into our daily conversations without a second thought. Irish slang and the speed at which we talk can prove confusing to visitors to the country.
So, there is a quick way to find out if you are definitely Irish. How many of these did you relate to?