There are a lot of things Irish people are known for, but if you’re uniquely Irish American, you’re bound to relate to at least a handful of these crazy things.

You can tell an Irish person a mile away. However, Irish Americans can sometimes be even easier to pick out of a crowd.
With a crazy mix of both Irish heritage and American heritage, you’ve had an interesting mix of cultures in your life growing up.
So, let’s take a look at some of the things you’ll relate to if you’re Irish American, and we’ll see how many you recognise.
10. Auntie Mary and uncle John – typical Irish names

One of the things you’ll relate to if you’re Irish American is that you most likely have an auntie, Mary or an Uncle John in your family mix. If it’s not Mary or John, how about Margaret or Patrick?
9. You probably own a Claddagh ring – a family heirloom, perhaps?

The Claddagh represents many things. Love, friendship, and loyalty are among them. If you’re Irish American, you most likely own a Claddagh ring, maybe even a necklace or earrings to match! Bonus point if the ring was handed down to you by a relative.
8. You celebrate St Patrick’s Day more than the Irish – green rivers and pitchers

If you’re Irish America, you’re probably prouder of your Irishness than the Irish are. In turn, you go HAM on St Patrick’s Day, harder than the Irish in Ireland, in fact.
7. You go out of your way to find Irish food – you’ll do anything for proper soda bread

If you’re Irish American and living in the States, you probably go out of your way to find some of Ireland’s best delicacies.
We’re talking soda bread, black pudding, Irish sausages and more. If the shop that sells them is an hour out of your way, you can bet that you’ll make the journey if you’re Irish American.
6. You’re opinionated when it comes to tea – tread lightly with this one

When it comes to tea, it has to be roasting hot. The Irish Americans love their tea, and if it isn’t Barry’s or Lyons, don’t even talk to us.
5. You have to defend your Irishness – are your grandparents REALLY from Ireland?!

When you meet an Irish person, you’re always sure to tell them about your Irish heritage. However, we Irish can be fierce defenders of our land, so if you’re Irish American, you’ll relate to having to defend and prove your Irishness to the natives!
4. You grew up Catholic – holy water and the wooden spoon

With mass emigration to America during the Famine, a lot of the Irish immigrants were Catholic. This meant that a lot of Irish people who planted roots in the States raised their families this way.
In turn, a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall beside a picture of JFK and the occasional splash of holy water won’t be unfamiliar to you if you’re Irish American.
3. You love all things your county – up Mayo!

Whether you’re from Tyrone or Tipperary, you love everything about your beloved county. Whatever county you come from, you’re probably a keen supporter of its GAA or hurling team.
If you can, you’ll tell everyone the mad facts about hurling, or you’ll find the nearest bar playing the sport when your team is on. Bonus point if you play either sport!
2. You have an Irish blessing hanging in your house – it’s a given

And if you don’t, your parents or your grandparents certainly do! “May the road rise up to meet you; may the wind always be at your back”.
If these words ring true with you, then you’ve got to be Irish American.
1. Funerals end up being good craic – the Irish way

Whether it’s a wedding or a funeral, an Irish event of any kind will always turn into a bit of a party. If you’re Irish American, funerals end up being good craic where stories are regaled, whiskey is a-plenty, and you can bet there’s at least a couple of people up dancing. The Irish put the ‘fun’ in ‘funeral’, are we right?
So, there you have it. Ten interesting but real things you’ll relate to if you’re Irish American. How many did you recognise, and on a scale of one to ten, how Irish American are you?