Dads: we love them, they drive us nuts, and we couldn’t do without them. Here are ten hilarious things all Irish dads do.
In this article, we tackle the subject head-on and reveal the top ten most hilarious things all Irish dads do (or at least many of them!).
From their funniest go-to sayings to their dad bods, dad jokes, and everything dad-worthy in between.
1. Ask for very practical gifts – where’s the fun in that?Credit:
A tool, some DIY paraphernalia, perhaps a household appliance. Indeed, dads are known for asking for some of the most practical gifts in the world.
And, while we may struggle to gift wrap a hammer and wonder where’s the fun in that, this is definitely one of the hilarious things all Irish dads do that we kind of love!
9. Say “don’t spend it all in one place” – after they’ve given you pocket change
Credit: Flickr / MarcoCentenaro80
It seems universally accepted that most, if not all, dads will give their kid a handful of pocket change or a small sum and then cheekily follow it by the statement, “don’t spend it all in one place”.
Somewhere, somehow, this age-old dad move seems to have subconsciously been coded in fathers across the globe. How? We do not know.
8. And say “money doesn’t grow on trees” – following the above
Credit: Flickr / Shari’s Berries
Following on from the previous statement is our eighth entry of hilarious things all Irish dads do. Usually, after a kid protests at the small sum they have been given, they will follow up with an all-time favourite Irish dad phrase, “money doesn’t grow on trees”.
This is also said by mothers who are known to utter this statement from time to time.
7. Love a parking challenge – the more awkward, the better
Credit: Pixabay / 14863258
For some strange reason, unbeknownst to us, dads always seem to love a parking challenge.
It could even be said that in some instances, they deliberately seek out challenging angles or spots as if to prove something to themselves, the other passengers, or indeed other cars.
Again though, this is one of the hilarious things all Irish dads do, and what would life be like without it?
6. Rock the dad bod – it would be rude not to
Credit: Pixabay / Pezibear
A dad bod is a new-age term for a father who has a relatively slim body but is not toned or muscular. They often have body fat but overall are not considered overweight.
Most Irish dads have it. Most people have it. It’s called a body, and we’re totally on board with it.
5. Fall asleep on the couch without fail – a daily occurrence
Credit: Flickr / opacity
Another one of the hilarious things all Irish dads do that we’re totally on board with is falling asleep on the couch moments after they sit down.
Sure, they’ll complain about not getting enough rest each night, but sit them down in front of the TV, and they’ll nod off without fail!
4. Work the BBQ like a pro – there’s just a special bond between the two
Credit: Flickr / Brett Taylor
BBQs and fathers, it’s a match made in heaven. There’s something quite special about watching a dad fire up the BBQ.
Perhaps it is the nostalgia of summer or the anticipation of the food yet to come, but it warms our bones.
3. Ignore the GPS – it’s there for a reason!
Credit: Pixabay / Pexels
Yet another one of the hilarious things all Irish dads do is ignore the GPS. Indeed a navigation device is there for a good reason.
Try to tell that to your dad, though, when they are convinced they know a shorter route – you may just end up walking, so best keep quiet in those instances!
2. Say “ask your mother” – on repeatCredit: Pixabay / natik_1123
Dads love to say, “ask your mother“. It instantly deflects and is a statement you can’t really argue with either.
Touche fathers, you got us on that one!
1. The jokes – they’re called dad jokes for a reason
Credit: Pixabay / Pezibear
When it comes down to it, the epitome of hilarious things all Irish dads do is tell their dad jokes.
A dad joke is a very specific type of humour: it’s unoriginal, it’s cheesy, and we’ve heard it 100 times before. But what, we must ask, would the world be like without these cringe-worthy moments brought to us by fathers the world over?
Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. From a young age, nomadic parents placed a strong emphasis on education in real experience and the outdoors - a trait which has carried through her life and into her career. She has travelled Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia and still claims that wanderlust tempts her daily. Saying that she believes Ireland - her homeland - is the most enchanting place she has ever been and is passionate about documenting the Emerald Isle. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip.