It’s almost that time to start planning our 2022 New Year’s resolutions, many of which are far too familiar to us.

The New Year means many things to Irish people. It is the start of a brand new year, so it is the perfect opportunity to start fresh, create new habits, and form new routines.
However, some resolutions are oh-so-familiar to us and keep returning year after year. We wonder why?
Let us take a look at the ten most common New Year’s resolutions in Ireland.
10. See more of Ireland – be more adventurous

It’s always been said that you tend to explore more outside your home country because you always assume it’ll be there whenever you want to discover it.
However, at New Year, Irish people tend to make this typical resolution to see more of Ireland, which never seems to happen unless staycations are enforced, then we kind of have to.
And we end up loving it when we get around to it!
9. Work-life balance – work to live

Many of us find that we end up working loads and not saving time for our own needs.
So, when New Year comes around, we all seem to agree that we plan to bring more balance into our work and home lives.
Sometimes it works, and sometimes we end up falling back into a routine again of being so busy.
8. Spend more time with loved ones – time is priceless

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions in Ireland is spending more time with family, friends, and even our significant other, which is important in Ireland.
Family and friends mean everything to Irish people. So, each year we promise ourselves we will make time for those that matter. Isn’t this sweet?
7. Save up – planning for something great

It takes skill to save up, and it seems like money just goes out the window every month with financial responsibilities. But we all know that it is all about planning at the end of the day.
Many of us vow to be more organised with our funds and go into the New Year with a firm belief in saving up the euros for that special something. But how far do we really get?
6. Eating healthy – creating new healthy habits

Now we might not have the goal to lose weight, as such. Still, we might want to gain some healthy eating habits, get more energy, have better skin, or even sleep better.
Although it takes a lot of willpower to form these new habits, we Irish can be a determined bunch when we want to be.
5. Lose the holiday weight – shed those festive kilos

Of course, one of the most common New Year’s resolutions in Ireland has to be to lose those Christmas kilos.
We love to indulge over the festive season with selection boxes, alcohol, biscuits, and huge dinners. However, New Year is the time when we all plan to shed those pounds.
4. Quit smoking – the classic resolution

Oh, the age-old classic resolution in Ireland is the giving up smoking plan.
While many succeed, others fall at the first hurdle while on a night out or the pure whiff of a cigarette walking down the street. That doesn’t mean we don’t promise ourselves this year will be different.
3. Giving up chocolate – we’ve had enough

We think this might be an easy one after all the chocolate consumed over Christmas. However, we are unsure how long the resolution will last, perhaps not the entire year.
2. Going to the gym – let’s get fit

It’s no wonder that gym memberships soar every January in Ireland because most Irish people plan to get to the gym regularly and get ultra-fit.
However, somewhere along the way, we get distracted by our favourite TV show, sleeping in, or cold weather.
1. No alcohol – dry January

In our number one spot of ten most common New Year’s resolutions in Ireland, we have the ‘no alcohol’ resolution.
Now, this is why dry January exists, of course, because we can just about deal with an alcohol-free month, but a whole year? Forget about it!
So, which of these ten most common New Year’s resolutions in Ireland do you have planned for 2022?
Whichever one is on your list, we wish you the very best with it. Sure, they can all be done; it just takes a little determination. Isn’t that right?