Listen to our beautiful Ireland. What do you hear? Presenting the top ten most amazing sounds that remind you of Ireland.

Sometimes all it takes to revive a memory is an old song, a cry from nature, or the sound of a loved one’s voice.
The Emerald Isle has its own collection of sounds that are 100% uniquely Irish, and now’s the time to set the scene.
Relive your trip to Ireland or take a vacation in your mind as we count down the top ten most amazing sounds that remind you of Ireland!
10. The countryside – for inner peace

A sheep bleats on the road ahead, and 20 more follow as a cow moos from a neighbouring field.
If you’ve holidayed in Ireland’s countryside, then you’ll remember the hours of silence each day aside from a few birds chirping at dawn.
9. The weather – keeping you safe and snug

Lying in bed beneath a thin ceiling, you jolt awake to the sound of rain pelting the roof from outside.
Wind shakes the house, rattling leaves and doorknobs, competing with the heavy rain to see which is louder.
To your surprise, they lull you to sleep. Irish weather can be relentless, but there is nothing sweeter than listening to it from the safety of your bed.
8. The television – a sound you’ll know well if you grew up in Ireland

You dive over furniture to reach the sitting room before The Simpsons theme tune ends, only for your dad to change the channel once you get there.
Enter the ringing of the angelus before the 6:01 news, one of ten amazing sounds that remind you of Ireland.
7. The match – an amazing sound that will remind you of Ireland

Walking towards the stadium, you hear stall vendors negotiating prices and announcing their special offers. Shouts of:
“Anyone buying or selling a ticket?” can be heard from streets over. The buzzing excitement of a crowd fills the air.
Inside the stadium, people yell. They cheer, they jeer, they sing ‘The Fields of Athenry’, and chant “Olay olay olay olaaaay…”.
Regardless of which sport you follow, nothing beats the atmosphere of a match in Croke Park.
6. The public transport – a song of Irish travel

Your Ryanair flight has landed with a screech into Dublin airport, and this is met with a round of applause from the plane’s passengers.
Later, your local Bus Éireann relays the safety message, “Stand clear, luggage doors operating,” over and over again for all eternity.
There are certain sounds you’ll find on Irish public transport that just can’t be found elsewhere, like those mentioned above or the Irish translations of stops on the Luas, Dublin’s tram service.
5. The classroom – listen to your schooldays

You participate in the howling of 20 tin whistles hitting the same notes at different times. You sing classic songs like ‘I’ll tell me Ma’ and ‘Twinkle Twinkle’.
That, dear reader, is the familiar sound of an Irish education, immortalized for those who’ve never been to school in Ireland.
4. The beach – listen to the crashing waves

Listen to the wind and waves around you. There’s a seagull cawing crescendo overhead. A dog barks happily as he paddles in the shallow water.
But then a rain shower slices the air, so, with sandy footsteps, you run for cover.
This scene describes any beach in Ireland. Here, the weather can change drastically within seconds, but no matter the season, the Irish seaside sounds divine.
3. The radio – talk to Joe

Beside you, the radio booms,
“Joooooooe Duffy!” and anyone who has ever heard it will never forget it.
For those of you who are confused, Joe Duffy is a radio presenter in Ireland who invites listeners to phone in and discuss their problems or societal issues on the air.
The radio show has been around for decades, and it has an extremely catchy intro that’s sure to be one of the sounds that remind you of Ireland.
2. The kitchen – the sounds of home

We bet you can still hear it all; the kettle is boiling on the cooker, Granny is whispering her prayers in the corner, and the grandfather clock is chiming.
Somewhere in your memory lives an Irish kitchen that’s full of these peaceful sounds.
1. The pub – one of the most iconic sounds that remind you of Ireland

The man behind the bar turns too quickly, and a pint glass smashes to the ground.
“Waheeey!” everyone cheers in celebration, and conversations ensue all around.
Your friend raises their glass to yours with a clinking sound.
“Sláinte!” you say. The trad session roars on, and the crowd is only hushed when a local elderly man enters to sing a ballad. The entire pub falls silent, listening.
These are the sounds of a typical Irish pub, complete with traditional Irish music and the exchanging of songs between locals.