While it’s true that the weirdest animals that live in Ireland are quite tame compared to the exotic creatures of Australia or an African or South American country, some may still surprise you that they call Ireland their home.

Ireland is a country blessed with a lush green landscape and many examples of natural beauty, from rivers, mountains, swamps, and forests, to name but a few.
It’s in these many diverse locations that you will find some of the weirdest and most wonderful animals that live on the Emerald Isle.
In this article, we will reveal the top ten weirdest animals that live in Ireland.
10. Otter – an elusive creature

The otter can be hard to come across as, by their nature, they are very reclusive animals. However, generally, you can find them near rivers and lakes across Ireland.
They are mostly fish-eaters but can also hunt frogs, birds, and other small mammals.
9. Long-eared owl – beautiful and graceful

While there are many owl species in Ireland, the long-eared-owl can be found widespread throughout the country.
Their feathers are adapted to allow them to fly practically silently, and their hearing is so sharp that they can catch prey in complete darkness.
They generally hunt birds, frogs, and small mammals.
8. Pine marten – a very shy animal

The pine marten is known as ‘cat crainn’ in Irish, which translates to ‘tree cat’. The pine marten is a very shy animal that mainly tends to live in woodlands.
While it can receive some negative publicity thanks to its affinity for killing chickens, it does play an important role in Irish nature.
Pine martens have helped to reduce the invasive non-native species of the grey squirrel in Ireland.
7. Peregrine falcon – the fastest bird on the planet

Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds on earth as they can reach speeds of 240 km (150 miles) per hour, and Ireland is lucky that many of them call it their home.
Their prey includes pigeons, waders, and other wildfowl. They can usually be found in estuaries during the winter season.
6. Humpback whale – a majestic giant and one of the weirdest animals that live in Ireland

Many people think of places such as Australia or South Africa when it comes to whale watching. However, you can also spot them in Ireland in coastal waters off Cork and Kerry in particular.
Humpback whales can only be found around the Irish coast at certain times.
So, if you are planning to try and catch a glimpse of this majestic giant, make sure you check out the best times of year for spotting them.
5. Basking shark – the second largest fish in the world

With an average length of 16 to 23 ft (5 to 7 m), the basking shark is the second-largest fish in the world. You can spot these fantastic creatures off the Irish coast.
They are most regularly found in the North Atlantic between April and September. If you are hoping to get a sighting of them, then the waters of Inishowen would be your best bet.
4. Daubenton’s bat – a popular bat in Ireland

One of nine confirmed species of bats in Ireland, the Daubenton’s bat can usually be seen flying low over water such as in canals and lakes.
Its main prey is midges, which it catches with its mouth. However, it can also, on occasion, hunt prey with its feet too.
3. Thornback ray – a distinctive looking sea creature

The thornback ray can be recognised thanks to its distinctive diamond shape and be commonly found around Ireland’s coasts.
The wide geographical distribution of the thornback ray means that they can be found in a great many Irish estuary mouths and sandbanks.
The thornback ray is classified as near threatened on the IUCN red list.
2. White ermine moth – a white wonder

In second place on our list of weirdest animals that live in Ireland is the white ermine moth. This unusual creature earns its place thanks to its looks alone, as it is truly a beauty to behold.
You can find this moth throughout Ireland in both urban and rural areas between May and July.
1. Common lizard – the only reptile to live wild in Ireland

In first place on our list of the weirdest animals that live in Ireland is the only reptile to actively live wild in Ireland, the common lizard.
You can find them in many areas across Ireland as they occupy a wide range of habitats; it usually tends to favour south-facing damp grassland and areas such as dunes and woodland tracks.
The common lizard uses various tricks to avoid predators. Its body temperature goes down at night, and in the daytime, it will bask in the sun to re-heat.
That concludes our article on the top ten weirdest animals that live in Ireland. Were there any animals native to Ireland that you were surprised to see on the list?