Irish compliments, like typical Irish slang, can be hard to decipher, so here is our guide to how they might appear and what they mean.

When it comes to compliments, the Irish may not be the best at receiving them, but they are undoubtedly great at handing them out.
With that being said, a typical Irish compliment is not what you might imagine, and some may even leave people a little bit baffled if they are on the receiving end.
Irish slang and phrases are somewhat bewildering, especially for those visiting the country, so we are here to give you a brief look at some of the potential Irish compliments you might encounter – and what exactly they mean.
So, let’s look at the ten best Irish compliments that might be useful.
- Irish compliments, like typical Irish slang, can be hard to decipher, so here is our guide to how they might appear and what they mean.
- 10. You’re some man/woman − a fantastic human
- 9. You’re gas − being funny is the key
- 8. Legend − one of the best Irish compliments
- 7. You’re unreal − a positive phrase to hear
- 6. A deadly buzz − a common Dublin compliment
- 5. Only bleedin’ massive − when someone is happy for you
- 4. Good man/woman (yourself) − a pat on the back
- 3. Where did you get your *insert clothes item* − a top Irish compliment
- 2. You’re sound − in their good books
- 1. You’re great craic − the ultimate Irish compliment
10. You’re some man/woman − a fantastic human

While this might sound highly confusing to someone not from Ireland, we have to point out that this is one of the best Irish compliments you can receive, so smile and accept.
By telling someone they are ‘some woman or some man’, you are saying that they are a fantastic human being.
9. You’re gas − being funny is the key

This must be one of the strangest but best Irish compliments you will hear since it will make no sense outside of the country.
Being funny is one of the most outstanding achievements in Ireland, and if you make someone laugh, you are ’a legend’, so if someone says you are gas, it is a great sign.
8. Legend − one of the best Irish compliments

Sometimes, only one word is needed in Ireland to get your point across; this is a perfect example. The word legend means much more than legendary status when referring to famous icons; it means that you are essentially a legend on earth and that the compliment giver is in awe of you.
7. You’re unreal − a positive phrase to hear

When someone in Ireland says that you are unreal, take it as a compliment. This could come from a person flirting with you or a general reply to something you have achieved.
Either way, it is worth knowing that it is a positive thing to hear, and it does not mean you are weird in any way.
6. A deadly buzz − a common Dublin compliment

Just when you thought Irish compliments couldn’t get any weirder, this common compliment that can be heard around Dublin is not what it appears.
If someone in Ireland says you are ‘a deadly buzz’, they are telling you that you are great craic, although we have to admit that the latter is more prestigious.
5. Only bleedin’ massive − when someone is happy for you

This has to be one of the best Irish compliments to be heard in and around the capital, and many Dubs will use this phrase when they are delighted with something they have heard.
Despite what it sounds like, it does not mean something is enormous; it means it’s fantastic, and they are happy for you.
4. Good man/woman (yourself) − a pat on the back

One of the most common and downright best Irish compliments is the phrase ‘Good man/woman’, which can be used in almost any situation.
Someone in Ireland might reply with this phrase if you tell them some good news, and don’t be surprised if they add ‘yourself’ at the end of the phrase.
3. Where did you get your *insert clothes item* − a top Irish compliment

This has to be one of the most confusing and passive compliments from an Irish person’s mouth, but if someone asks you where you got your dress, shirt, shoes, etc, then they love it. The answer to this question is generally something like “Penney’s, hun. €5”.
2. You’re sound − in their good books

Sound is a common word heard all over the country and is one that can be used in many ways, which we know can be very confusing.
However, if someone in Ireland tells you that you’re sound, you should take it as a big compliment because they are essentially telling you that they think you are great.
1. You’re great craic − the ultimate Irish compliment

If there is one Irish compliment that is guaranteed to make you smile, it’s this one. We must admit that this has to be one of the best Irish compliments since the person tells you that you are great fun and always up for a good time, which is essential when socialising in Ireland.
So, now that you have a deeper understanding of what a typical Irish compliment sounds like, keep your ears open for some positive phrases coming your way.
However, we must warn you that Irish people are not the best at receiving them, so if you hand one of these out, be prepared for some typical Irish responses.