A passenger booked his plane ticket in the wrong name and Ryanair wanted to charge him £220 to change it. What does this guy do? Legally changes his name as it worked out cheaper than changing the actual flight.
Adam Armstrong was confronted with Ryanair’s £220 ‘admin fee’ to settle a booking mistake, he simply changed his legal name. After all, changing your name is no big deal to Adam.
The 19 year old had booked to go on holiday to Ibiza with his sweetheart India Lomas, 17, one week from now – flying with Ryanair.
Embarrassing for India’s stepfather, who booked the flights for the two, but accidentally listed his surname as ‘West’.
‘Her stepdad got my name from Facebook but I had put it as Adam West as a joke, because he was the actor who played Batman on TV,’ he explained to The Sun.
When Adam recognised the error, he got in touch with Ryanair who told him the admin fee to fix it would be £220 – double the usual £110 fee because his girlfriend was listed on the same ticket.
So instead of paying the £220, Adam changed his name by deed poll to Adam West for free. He then paid £103 to get a new passport. This saved him more than £100!
Amazing stuff!