There are many ways to pick an Irishman out of the crowd, but these are the most common ways to spot an Irish person just about anywhere.

Irish people have many quirks which make them unique amongst others, and when you spot these ten things, you will know that you’ve found an Irish person.
While there are undoubtedly many stereotypes that come with being Irish, with people around the world thinking we love spuds more than our mammies or that we spend the weekends Irish dancing and drinking Guinness.
While some might be silly stereotypes, there are some aspects which are certainly true amongst Irish people. So, with that in mind, let us entertain you with these top ten ways to spot an Irish person.
10. They have ginger hair and freckles – a true stereotype

While there are many jokes about this, we cannot deny that a fair few Irish people out there do have ginger hair and freckles, so chances are if you spot someone who fits this description, they are most likely from Ireland.
9. They’re the loudest one – what’s an indoor voice?

One of the main ways to spot an Irish person is, of course, the volume at which they speak. In saying that, we generally don’t realise how loud we are talking, it’s just how we communicate in Ireland, but it sure is a dead giveaway.
8. Socks and sandals combo – a style of choice for some

We are lucky that not ALL Irish people have adopted this style, but when they do, you can be sure they are from Ireland. It is almost a sign that they are prepared for varied weather and are not fully ready to accept the sun or the looming clouds – so it is best to take preventative measures.
7. Talking about the weather – our favourite subject

The weather is a HUGE topic in Ireland, bringing people together daily. We complain when it’s too cold and moan when it’s too hot, but we wouldn’t have it any other way, so in saying that, this is one of the top ways to spot an Irish person.
6. They will have a pint of Guinness in their hand – lovers of the black stuff

Whether in Ireland or abroad, Irish people will always seek out the best pint of Guinness on offer, and chances are if you see someone holding a pint of the black stuff, they are most likely from Ireland.
Guinness has an acquired taste that many Irish folks crave, which cannot be said for the rest of the world.
5. They are the palest ones in the crowd – whiter than white skin

Irish people are typically a fair nation, but that doesn’t mean we won’t TRY to get a tan anyway. That said, you will undoubtedly spot an Irish person by the pasty skin colour, which in many cases can be almost transparent – but don’t bring it up in a conversation.
4. The accent gives them away – a distinct accent
Yes, one of the top ways to spot an Irish person is, of course, by their pronunciation, which is very specific. You will generally hear the words ‘grand’, ‘Howaya’ and ‘craic’ amongst Irish people conversing with each other, and this is a guaranteed way to spot Irish folk.
3. They’re sunburnt to a crisp – red and white

As we mentioned earlier, despite having paler than pale skin, Irish people will do their best to turn it into a tan, even if that means morphing into a lobster.
It is better to be red than pale white, right? Another way to spot an Irish person will be by the bottle of SPF 50+ by their side, even if it’s not being used.
2. They’re sporting their counties GAA shirt – true sports fans

This goes for GAA shorts, too, because who would leave home without the set? You can almost always spot an Irish person by their GAA county colours, a sign of pride and a love of sports.
There are many county-coloured shirts, so this can vary greatly, but it’s a top way to spot an Irish lad.
1. They are drunk and merry – the crowd pleasers

If you find yourself drawn to the happy-go-lucky, drunk and optimistic person who seems to be having the time of his life, telling stories, sipping pints and dancing to their heart’s content, they are most likely Irish. We Irish love to have the craic, which almost always draws in the crowd.
So, there you have it, the top ten ways to spot an Irish person, many of which you may have already known to look out for and many which may be new.