There are a lot of things we Irish folk may take for granted, so here are ten reasons you should be grateful to be Irish.

Do you ever wonder why there are Irish pubs all over the world, Irish flags flying in the most unusual of places, and even the happiness on peoples faces when you tell them you’re Irish?
Well, it’s for a good reason, because Ireland is known the world over for countless features and traits, many of which we take for granted having been born or grown up on the Emerald Isle.
The saying “you never know what you have until it’s gone” rings true when it comes to being from Ireland.
Imagine if we had no rain, our country wouldn’t be as green; imagine our culture was more reserved, the whole essence of being Irish would vanish; or imagine Irish didn’t exist, the world and ourselves would be significantly deprived.
So, we are here to remind you of the many things to be grateful for, coming from a small country with a big personality. Here are ten reasons you should be grateful to be Irish.
10. Social butterflies – we love to be friendly

One thing we are known for is being very charismatic, talkative, and incredibly friendly, and this is something to be proud of and of course, grateful for.
Believe it or not, not every country has a culture like this, and it’s such a lovely feeling to always feel welcomed.
9. Irish music – from trad to modern-day

Not only is our traditional music popular worldwide, but so is modern music like U2, The Cranberries, and Dermot Kennedy. We should be grateful to have an incredible music scene in all genres.
8. Irish culture – we’re truly unique

This can include many things, but growing up in Ireland, we learned how unique our country is.
There are so many traditions we have, as well as character traits and events that are all truly Irish, things we should be grateful for.
7. Irish food – home to many delicious delicacies

Not only Irish stew, beef and Guinness pie, and so on, but even of our own invented flavoured crisps. Now that’s something to be grateful for indeed.
6. Irish craic – second to none

This is something so unique to Ireland.
We have a very ‘Irish’ way of being and way of seeing things, and we also have a very witty way about us so we can take as much craic as we can give.
The Irish craic is second to none, and it’s never intended to be offensive, just a bit of craic.
5. Ryanair – the low-cost airline

Okay, so Ryanair might not be a five-star airline, but whether we like to admit it or not, we should be very grateful for this budget airline.
It allows us to take extremely affordable trips all over Europe at the drop of a hat and be back in time for work on Monday. Thanks, Ryanair.
4. Irish actors – your man down the road

How patriotic do you feel watching a Hollywood blockbuster only to see a lad that used to live down the road from you? Sure everyone in Ireland knows each other, don’t they?
Many incredible actors and actresses have come out of Ireland, and we should be grateful for the talents they’ve shared.
3. Irish language – Dia dhuit

It may surprise you to know that many people the world over still don’t know Ireland has an official language of its own: Irish.
We should be grateful to have a language unique to our country and should continue to keep it alive because then we can gossip about people abroad. Ah, we don’t really mean that!
2. Our passport – pack your bags

Come on, what Irish person doesn’t like to travel, it’s in our genes.
Luckily our passport ranks as one of the best in the world allowing us to travel worldwide with great ease. Be grateful!
1. The scenery – love your landscape

Our landscape is second to none. We have endless coastlines, mountains, lakes, rivers, as well as some of the best beaches in Europe. On a sunny day, Ireland is said to be the best place on earth spoiling us with glorious scenery.
So if you weren’t proud and grateful for many Irish things before you read the ten reasons you should be grateful to be Irish list, we most certainly hope you are now, because we are a great bunch of people and even the world thinks so!