Irish women are fierce and fiery, passionate and powerful, loving, lively, and tonnes of craic. So what’s not to love? Here are just of the top reasons to go on a date with an Irish woman.
Ireland is a dynamic country, small in size with a vibrant culture renowned world-over. With fantastic characters across all genders, it is safe to say that dating an Irish person is a thrilling feat.
With oodles of banter, an easy-going disposition, a love for a good laugh, and boundless beauty, these are just ten of the reasons why you should go on a date with an Irish woman.
10. Family-orientated – big families and lots of loyalty
Irish people are known to have large families. While this characteristic of family units has reduced over time, the Irish still boast sizable extended families.
With this in mind, the Irish are collectively very family-orientated. With this comes traits of respect, loyalty, devotion, and commitment.
9. We’re romantics at heart – blame it on our literary history
Perhaps it’s a result of our literary legacy or attachment to mystical Celtic forces, but the Irish, at large, are romantics at heart.
This may just be another one of the reasons to go on a date with an Irish woman. After all, who doesn’t love some fireworks on a first date?
8. The chats – conversation will never run dry
It is safe to say that one of the most awkward things to happen on a date is for conversation to run dry. Needless to say, you don’t have to worry about that when you’re dating an Irish person.
We’re known to possess the ‘gift of the gab’ (aka eloquence), so you can rest soundly in the knowledge that the chats will flow effortlessly.
7. The slang – there’s nothing quite like it
Another one of the reasons to go on a date with an Irish woman – or any Irish person for that matter – is because our mastery of slang is enchanting.
Learn a million and one ways to tell someone to feck off or words that you can easily work into your own repertoire at a later date.
6. Friendly – the Irish are famous for this
The Irish are known worldwide as being some of the most friendly people you will find, and that is significantly seen in Irish women.
Warm dispositions, bright eyes, and welcoming smiles. If you’re looking to feel at ease on a date, there’s much to be said about dating an Irish person.
5. Beauty – Irish girls are natural beauties
Simply put, Irish women are beautiful. Although Irish girls are traditionally known for their fair skin, freckles, and fiery hair, it is worth knowing that Irish women of all skin colours and hair types possess this natural charisma.
Perhaps there’s something in the water that makes beauty so effortless for Irish women.
4. Lovely manners – thanking bus drivers and whatnot
Good manners are often linked to the Irish community, and Irish women are no exception.
Please and thank you are never far from hand when with the Irish. And, to top it off? We even thank bus drivers. This is something that largely baffles other nationalities.
Believe it or not, this is also one of Meanwhile in Ireland’s top reasons for dating an Irish man.
3. Knows her Guinness – knows the good, the bad, and the ugly
A defining trait of most Irish people is that they know their Guinness; they can spot when it’s a solid poor and when the bartender has struggled; they know the good, the bad, and the ugly.
For some, this may be one of the perfect reasons to go on a date with an Irish woman – especially if that person is someone who also shares a love of Guinness.
2. Love of fine cuisine – Tayto, Barry’s Tea, Ballymaloe Relish
The Irish are known for their love of high dining: Tayto Crisps, Barry’s Tea, Ballymaloe Relish. Not to mention some of the most world-renowned dishes: crisps sandwiches, boiled bacon and cabbage, coddle, Guinness pie, etc.
Yep, if you’re looking for yet another one of our top reasons to go on a date with an Irish woman, it would be to share the finer things in life.
1. Fantastic banter – what’s not to love
Some of the best dates are the ones that feature heavily in banter; shared laughs, which will later turn into inside jokes, time flying as the drinks are enjoyed at ease.
Yep, no date would be complete without a healthy dose of the ‘craic’ (aka banter)!