Irish names are some of the most beautiful in the world. Did your name make the cut?
As an ancient language, the Irish language names ooze with lyrical meaning. Giving your newborn an Irish name is a lovely way of keeping the Irish language alive.
It will always be a cause for an exciting conversation. Here are some of the most beautiful Gaelic Irish boy names.
20. RĂºairĂ âˆ’ roo-ree
This name translates to ‘red-haired king’. Perfect if your son has red hair; he will rule your house and your hearts for the rest of your lives.
19. DĂ³nal − dough-nal
The direct translation for Donal is ‘world almighty’, which is often interpreted as ‘ruler of the world’. Ruler of YOUR world, more like. Also spelt Domhnaill or Domhnall, one famous person with this name is Domhnall Gleeson, a celebrated Irish actor.
18. LorcĂ¡n − lore-can
One of the most gorgeous Gaelic Irish boy names, LorcĂ¡n, means ‘little fierce one’. He’ll surely live up to this name when throwing toddler tantrums.
17. DĂ¡ithĂ âˆ’ daw-hee
The Irish version of ‘David’, DĂ¡ithĂ, means ‘swiftness’ or ‘nimbleness’. A well-known DĂ¡ithĂ on the Emerald Isle is the iconic television presenter DĂ¡ithĂ O’SĂ©.
16. Fearghal − furr-gal
This is one of the noblest Gaelic Irish boy names. Fearghal translates to ‘man of valour’. Fearghal was a bodyguard to one of the Kings of Connacht. For contrast, you can check out some of the most adorable and unique Irish girl names.
15. Tiernan − teer-nan
Many will know the surname Tiernan from the beloved Irish comedian Tommy Tiernan, but it can also be used as a first name. We love the name Tiernan for a baby boy. It translates to ‘little lord’. Isn’t that just dotey?
14. Donnchadh − done-ack-ah
Another gorgeous baby name meaning ‘strong fighter’, ‘chief’, and ‘noble’. Other spellings include Donnacha and Donncha.
13. DĂ¡ire − dar-ah
DĂ¡ire is an ancient Irish name meaning ‘fruitful’. Other spellings include Dara and Darragh. One of the best Irish comedians, Dara Ă“’Briain, is one famous person with this name.
12. Eoghain − ow-en
Yew trees are symbols of immortality. This iconic Irish baby name means ‘born of the yew tree’. This is a name with multiple different spellings, including Owen and Eoin.
Eoin Colfer, the writer of the esteemed Artemis Fowl book series, is one famous person with this name.
11. Conor − conn-er
Conor is one of the most classic Gaelic Irish boy names, meaning ‘lover of hounds’. This name is used by many famous people, including Conor McGregor and Conor O’Brien, lead singer of the Irish band, Villagers. Other spellings include Connor and Conchobhur.
10. Cillian − kill-ee-ann
Cillian is an old Irish word for ‘church’. This name can also be spelt as Killian. One of the most famous Cillians is Cillian Murphy.
See where the name Cillian ranks on this list of the top 20 best Gaelic Irish boy names.
9. Tadhg − tie-g
Tadhg is a beautiful name that means ‘poet’. Pronounced like ‘tiger’ without the ‘er’. Perfect for artistic families.
As one of the harder Irish names to pronounce, this name was heavily used in ancient Irish nobility, with the name being taken by many kings of Connacht. Other spellings include ‘Tadgh’ and ‘Tadhgh’.
8. Ă“isĂn − ush-een
We love a nature-themed name. Ă“isĂn means ‘little dear’. Isn’t that just darling? This is one of the most popular Gaelic Irish boy names in Ireland.
7. Cathal − caw-hal
Cathal is a mighty name for your baby boy, meaning’ battle’ or’ rule’. This is another popular Irish boy name, though most commonly used in Munster and Connacht.
6. Naoise − nee-sha
Naoise has multiple translations, deriving from Irish mythology. The name means ‘hunter’, ‘singer’, or ‘warrior’.
5. RĂ³nĂ¡n − row-nawn
This name means ‘little seal’. The name is taken from an ancient Irish legend, where a mother seal is told not to go too close to land.
On being swept onto the land one day, she is transformed into a human, where she marries and gives birth to many little ‘RĂ³nĂ¡n’s’. You might recognise this as the surname of the famous Irish actress Saoirse Ronan.
4. Aenghus − ayn-gus
Aenghus was a member of the TĂºatha dĂ© Danann, the god of love and youth. The name can also be spelt as ‘Aonghas’ or ‘Aonghus’.
3. FaolĂ¡n − fway-lawn
This cute little name means ‘little wolf’. Perfect for your wild-eyed little boy.
2. Iarlaith − eer-la
This beautiful name can also be spelt ‘Iarla’. It translates to ‘prince’ or ‘lord of the West’. One famous Iarlaith is the great Irish sean-nĂ³s singer Iarla Ă“’LionĂ¡ird.
1. Riordan − reer-den
This is the best Irish baby boy name in our books. It means ‘little poet of the king’. The poet was considered one of the most highly esteemed members of the royal households, as we’re sure any baby Riordan will be, too.
You might recognise this as the surname of the famous singer Dolores O’Riordan, one of the best Irish singers of all time.