There are some names that just scream untrustworthy. These ten Irish names you can’t trust are going to make you reel with the ick, the fear, distrust, and more.

There are certain names in every society that just can’t be trusted. The same can be said for these Irish names.
When a name is bestowed upon a child, their destiny is sealed in that name. You can tell A LOT about a person from their name alone. As such, choose very wisely when naming your children, for god’s sake.
We know you will agree with us when we share our list of ten Irish names you can’t trust even if your life depended on it.
10. Aoife – no thanks, Aoife

Have you ever in your life met an Aoife who’s sound? We don’t think so. Aoifes will go behind your back at any turn.
She’s probably stolen your boyfriend more than once. If someone called Aoife tries to befriend you, kindly decline and run a mile.
9. Seán – avoid them like the plague

Seáns are some of the slimiest little beggars out there. You’ve definitely had a Seán “borrow” money from you once or twice, never to be seen again.
Seán’s will borrow a tenner off their grannies with absolutely no plans to return it.
8. Siobhán – the Karens of Ireland

Another one of the Irish names you can’t trust is Siobhán. Siobhán is to Ireland what Karen is to America. They will find anything to complain about. Siobhán will eat her entire meal and then complain that it was cold to try and get money off the bill.
7. Caoimhe – Caoimhe is not your friend

Caoimhe will pretend to be your friend and then turn on you at the quickest opportunity. She is NOT your friend. Avoid!
6. Ryan – one of the Irish names you can’t trust

Christ. Ryan. Need we say more?
5. Niamh – Niamh is a huge b*tch

Have you ever met a Niamh that isn’t a huge b*tch? We think not. Niamh is the person you pour your heart out to when you’re at your lowest. She’ll promise to keep everything to herself.
But before you know it, everyone and anyone knows about your problems. When you confront her about it, she’ll deny telling a soul.
4. Conor – the f-boys of Ireland

Oh boy, I’m certain that every single guy or girl reading this has had a bad dating experience with a fella called Conor.
The name alone screams dating nightmare. They will ghost you, lead you on, give you a false sense of security, all of the above.
If you see a Conor on Tinder, swipe left with a flick of the wrist so quick it snaps. In fact, throw the whole phone away to avoid that nightmare altogether.
3. Saoirse – the girl with the fake smile

Do not be fooled by the smiles handed up like tic tacs from a girl called Saoirse because she’s only playing on your kindness to crush it later.
Some people will tell you that Saoirse is the loveliest girl about, but we’ve warned you, it’s all for show.
2. Declan – it’s best to stay away

God love anyone whose friends with Declan. Declan’s heart is as black as coal. Declan is the type of friend to invite you to dinner, and once it’s time to pay the bill, he’s either forgotten his wallet or has “just nipped out for a smoke” for approximately 20 minutes.
Will he buy you a pint at the bar to make it up to you? No, he won’t. Stay away from Declans; they’re one of the Irish names you can’t trust.
1. Shauna – the relentless one-upper

If there was ever an Irish name you couldn’t trust, it’s Shauna. The mistrust is simply born in the name. Shauna will always try and one-up you. You got a new car for Christmas? Well, Shauna got two.
Your boyfriend proposed to you over the weekend? Oh, that’s right, Shauna actually got married over the weekend. Isn’t that funny timing?
Trust us when we tell you not to trust Shauna. You’ll thank us in the long run.
So, there you have it. Ten Irish names you simply can’t trust. Are there any Irish names that you think deserve a place on this list?