To save you from your next hangover, check out these favourite Irish snacks.

This may come as no surprise at all, but Irish people love food, and nothing will get in their way when it comes to chowing down on their favourite snacks, not even copious amounts of alcohol.
In fact, these beloved Irish snacks are one of the main ways the Irish love to cure their hangovers, and believe us when we say – they actually work.
If you’ve been out on the town and craved one of these Irish delights the next morning when your head is pounding and your stomach is growling, then you can be sure you are Irish through and through.
So, how many of these best Irish snacks for a hangover have you relied on after a night out?
10. Sausage Rolls – a greasy snack

Notice how we said sausage rolls and not sausage rolls? That’s because one is not enough when it comes to curing an Irish hangover. The jumbo sausage roll is one of the best Irish snacks for a hangover, without a doubt, and the greasier, the better if you ask us!
9. A pot of tea – the cure for everything

In Ireland, tea is the answer to everything. Whether you are worried about something, celebrating, having a chat, starting your day or finishing your day, we always have the tea bags at the ready and the kettle boiled just in case. In this situation, however, a steaming pot is absolutely necessary.
8. A ham sandwich – an Irish favourite

Nothing beats the ‘aul hang sanger’ when it comes to the best Irish snacks for a hangover. This beloved snack is as versatile as they come, and you’ll see people chowing down on these during school lunches, on work breaks, before bed, as a midnight snack and as part of a fancy afternoon tea. We love them!
7. A chipper dinner – with lashings of vinegar

We know we are not the only ones who crave salt and vinegar-soaked chips from the local chipper after a night on the town, and we can imagine that most Irish people out there do.
Hangover foods need to be stodgy and full of grease to aid the ‘soakage’, and a bag of chips is just the ticket.
6. A spice bag – the spicier, the better

Absolutely nothing can make you forget about the pain you are enduring the morning after a night out more than an ultra-spicy spice bag, which has just the perfect combination of flavours, textures, spiciness and grease to help us on the road to recovery. Are we right, or are we right?
5. A Chinese curry – the best soakage

You know that this is your go-to hangover cure when your local Chinese takeaway knows your order as soon as you call.
We can safely say that you are probably not the only one who is craving a ‘dirty curry’ the morning after a heavy night on the town. Pair this with prawn crackers, chips and a few chicken balls for good measure, and you’re sorted!
4. A Tayto sandwich – easy as pie

There is not much effort needed to create this favourite Irish snack, seen as you just need a few slices of bread, some butter and a packet of Tayto.
No matter how hungover you might be, you can always conjure up the energy to make yourself a Tayto sandwich, which will do the trick.
3. The chicken fillet roll – have it your way

Chicken fillet rolls are up there with the best Irish snacks for a hangover for a reason. These rolls can be ordered at any deli counter, and you can make it exactly how you want, whether that is with spicy chicken, extra mayo, spicy jalapenos or four kinds of cheese, the choice is yours.
2. The breakfast roll – the grab-and-go option

Our second-best Irish snack for a hangover is definitely the Irish breakfast roll. This is ideal for those who cannot conjure up the energy to make a full fry-up at home or perhaps needs to grab a cure on the go.
The best thing is, you can grab these anywhere from a café to a deli to a petrol station. Just delicious!
1. A fry-up – our top spot

Yes, you guessed it, our top spot goes to the Irish fry-up, one of the best hangover cures to grace our tables.
Not only does the taste of this satisfy all the cravings imaginable, but the cure begins by just enjoying the smell wafting through the house as it sizzles in the pan. A sure winner in our eyes!
So, there it is, our ten best Irish snacks for a hangover! How many have saved you from the pain of the morning after a night of drinking?