Dublin society was thrown into turmoil this week after it emerged that a woman allowed her new boyfriend to socialise and drink with his friends.
“Shock” and “awe” were words being bandied around Dublin city this week when news broke that Jennifer Ryan (27) relented and allowed her boyfriend of three months to ‘go out with the lads.’
Reaction from Jennifer’s friends

“It’s disgusting and could lead to all sorts of knock-on issues,” a friend of Jennifer’s stated. “It sets an awful precedent for the rest of us who struggle daily to keep our men under some sort of control.”
Another female friend of Jennifer sobbed openly when talking to our reporter. She said; “I mean it’s so totally un-cool. I’m afraid my fella will hear about this.
“God knows but next thing he’ll want to go out with the lads as well. Where will it all end?” she asked while desperately trying to wipe away the tears without ruining her mascara.
Social media reaction
Leading social commentator Pricilla Rice — who boasts a huge following on Facebook and Twitter — posted about the situation this morning.
“This sort of thing needs to be nipped in the bud. Boyfriends of only three-months standing should never be allowed ‘out with the lads.’
“Women should look at new boyfriends how you would look at a new puppy; you wouldn’t let a new puppy out on his own now, would you? Gawd sake Ladies, at three-months most boyfriends aren’t even house-trained.”
Radio interview

Interviewed on Dublin Radio’s Girl Time with prominent radio host Susan Show, Pricilla expanded upon her expert analysis of the situation.
“Seriously, Susan, a night out with the lads should be looked at as an occasional treat for a boyfriend. Not a privilege that girls bestow too frequently.
“Some of the things that men get up to on lad’s nights out would amaze you. They spend the night sipping pints, talking soccer and box-sets and even award points based on looks to their female colleagues. It’s disgusting behaviour.

“It’s just bad, bad news. It would be okay after a year or two when they are trained and you can trust them. But after three months — no, that’s way too soon,” she concluded.
Reaction from ‘The Lads’
Sean Jones (30) — who requested the use of a fake name to protect his true identity — is a spokesperson for ‘The Lads’ and issued a passionate statement in response.

“We, ‘The Lads’, reject out of hand all that nonsense your-wan on the radio was spouting. There is a long-standing tradition in Ireland that lads with girlfriends can find peace and sanctuary on a decent night out with fellow lads.
“I’m telling you now; it will take more than that-wan to put a halt to it,” the statement ends defiantly. It is expected the lads will campaign for another night out in the near future.
The Lads Anonymous support group
If you are a male in a new relationship and have been affected by the foregoing situation, The Lads Anonymous can be contacted any night in most decent pubs. New members are always welcome.
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