If complaining wasn’t a thing, we’re not sure Irish people would have anything to say. Here are ten things Irish people love to complain about.

Irish people are masters of complaining, so much so that if we didn’t complain, we are not sure what most of our daily conversations would be about.
Complaining or moaning of any kind is a real Irish thing and something that just keeps us going. If there is nothing to complain about, you can trust us Irish to find something to whine about.
So, let’s unravel the top ten things Irish people love to complain about.
10. Construction – with no end in sight

Construction can drive us all mad, especially if it is ongoing, causing diversions and with no near end in sight.
So, it is not shocking that one of the things Irish people love to complain about is construction that takes ages.
9. Sports – the best way to socially moan

It is no surprise that Irish people love their sports, especially GAA, football, and hurling.
Thus, it is common to hear groups of friends complaining about the latest goings-on in the sports world over a pint or two.
8. Politics – a common national complaint

Irish people are very much into their politics, and this can be a great thing.
However, when things don’t go their way, they will have a lot to complain about regarding the people running the country.
7. Noisy neighbours – one of our favourite things to complain about

One of the most common things Irish people love to complain about is definitely the neighbours.
One day they will be as nice as pie, but if you have friends over and make noise on a weeknight, you can be sure that your Irish neighbours will have something to complain about the next day.
6. Family – the closest ones annoy us the most

Whether it’s the annoying in-laws, the immature younger siblings, or even the controlling parents, we Irish just love to complain about our family, most likely to our friends.
Irish people are definitely family orientated, but that doesn’t mean that we are always best friends with our loved ones.
It just means that they drive us even more mad than anyone else. But we love them regardless!
5. Traffic – the best complaint of impatient people

Is there any country in the world that doesn’t complain about traffic? Probably not. However, Ireland wins at the level of moaning in this situation.
Any type of traffic drives the impatient Irish nation absolutely mad.
4. Work – an everlasting topic to complain about

It is just not cool to love your job so much that you never complain about it. So, in Ireland, one of the main things Irish people love to complain about is work.
If they are asked to work late, work on a bank holiday, or work weekends, Irish people will act happy about it. However, they will definitely be complaining to their friends about it on their time off.
3. Food – nothing should come between the Irish and food

One of the top things Irish people love to complain about has to be food.
Irish people love their grub, and if you serve them something that doesn’t fit their criteria, they’ll let you know about it, especially in a restaurant setting.
2. Prices – frugal by nature

We Irish love to grab a bargain and save a few euros here and there. So, if prices rise for whatever reason, you are certain that we will complain about it.
Keep things cheap and cheerful to keep the Irish happy.
1. The weather – we are never satisfied

In Ireland, if it’s hot, it’s too hot; if it’s cold, it’s too cold; and if it’s rainy, it’s too rainy. There is just no pleasing us.
There are a few who like to be optimistic and grateful for a lovely sunny day. However, for the rest of us, we just can’t thrive until we complain about just how ‘too sunny’ it is.
On our list of the top ten things Irish people love to complain about, there are a few we can all relate to. However, there are many more where that came from.
What can we say? Complaining makes the Irish world go round, and although we mean no harm, this is a trait amongst the nation that will probably never retire.
Sure, it makes us who we are, doesn’t it?