A compilation of things people from Belfast have sent into the site. Here are the best:
1. You’re never cold but sometimes Baltic.
2. You have owned a pair of Nike Air Max at some stage.
3. Hearing there is a bomb scare near by and not be the slightest bit worried…just frustrated that traffic is diverted
4. Knowing a ‘barrick buster’ or ‘barrick’ means a 2 litre bottle of cider…and it was your most consumed drink at one stage when you were younger
5. Drinking so hard before you go out that sometimes you don’t get in
6. Being late for work because a few buses in a row didn’t come…then 3 came at once
7. Being used to people spending their hard earned money on cherry pickers…to put flags up on lamp posts
8. Crisp Sandwich being a common thing
9. Goths are more dedicated than Flag Protesters to City Hall every Saturday! Never missed a Saturday in years!
10. Smicks love Buckfast
11. Pastie Suppers is Belfast’s signiture dish
12. Anyone who isn’t from Belfast is automatically deemed a Culchie
13. Knowing that the whole world is missing out on Sukie!
14. McDonalds in town after a night out is always rocking!
15. We feel like we know Benny, especially after a few..
16. Weatherspoons for cheap booze…nothing else.
17. Cringing when a club in town closes and you hear the chant “East, East, East Belfast!”
18. Always have a memorable conversation with a Belfast Taxi man!
19. You ended up in Emerald Chinese on the Dublin Road after a night out…on numerous occasions!
20. Everyone knows someone who can get you a dodgy cable box with all the channels
21. You’ve fallen out wi’ yer mate ‘cus he went til a Grammar school n’ now he’s a snob, so he is.
22. You know what the words ‘space-cadet’ and ‘rocket’ really mean.
23. You know at least one person called Mackers/Smickers/Jaunty…and he probably has a car like this:
24. Ballycastle was once your most frequented holiday destination.
25. Your Granny had a framed picture of the Pope or the Queen in the living room but not both.
26. You can tell what religion somebody is by the side of the road they walk on/what side of the bridge they live.
27. You are 27, married with 2 kids, a dog and have a mortgage. However, if your parents are away for a couple of days you still think: ‘Sweet, free house!’
28. You remember armed soldiers on the streets
29. You and your mates used to drink in a park when you were teenagers
30. You have used the phrase “will you see me/my mate”
31. When your Da needs some time alone after being stressed he says “I’m away to get my head showered”
32. You have been “de-begged” at least once in your life
33. You have met people who believe “anyone who doesn’t have a 1 back and sides is a hippy”
34. You have had a telling off from your Da which began with the phrase ´Listen Sonny Jim…´
35. When some millie’s annoyed she says, “Oh mummy!! What are you like!!?”
36. In school you were asked to “meet” a girl/boy round the back of the mobiles.
37. When you’ve ordered drink after hours from ‘dial a drink’
38. You’ve said ” I’m gonna get my Da/Big Brother for ye!”
39. If you want to buy something semi-legal like a dope pipe or martial arts weapons (ninja star, nunchucks that sort of thing) you go to Smithfield market/In Shops
40. Someone has been “after you” for something you did
The Meanwhile in Ireland team is dedicated to bringing you the best in Irish humour, news, and viral content. Since our launch in 2014, we’ve amassed over 900,000 social media followers and hundreds of thousands of annual readers. Our mission is to entertain with our trademark dry Irish humour, satire, and sarcasm while also sharing Ireland’s unique culture and current affairs. Our writers, all native or long-time residents of Ireland, deliver authentic, high-quality articles recognised by award organisations in Ireland and the UK. Enjoy the craic!