Whether you grew up on the beautiful shores of the Emerald Isle or you just visited for a short vacation, these are ten smells that are sure to remind you of Ireland.

Picture this: a range of beautiful, scented candles made to immortalize the top ten best smells that remind you of Ireland.
Sadly, no such candles exist. However, we would like to formally invite you and your nose on a journey through childhood or your favourite trip abroad.
Even if you’ve never been to Ireland, now’s the time to give your nostrils a vacation with the top ten best smells that remind you of Ireland.
- Whether you grew up on the beautiful shores of the Emerald Isle or you just visited for a short vacation, these are ten smells that are sure to remind you of Ireland.
- Meanwhile in Ireland’s top tips for getting the smells that will remind you of Ireland
- 10. Sunflower Oil – a smell for anyone who grew up in Ireland
- 9. Blooming Heather – one of the top ten smells that remind you of Ireland
- 8. Brown Bread – make your house smell like a bakery
- 7. Irish Cider – one of our favourite scents
- 6. Fresh Sea Air – live the life of a local fisherman
- 5. Merino Wool – limited edition only
- 4. Yellow Furze – the buttery smell of Ireland’s countryside
- 3. Turf Fire – eliminate the cold this winter
- 2. Granny’s House – capture your childhood with just one candle
- 1. Early Morning Dew – our number one pick from the top ten smells that remind you of Ireland
- Your questions answered about the smells that remind you of Ireland
Meanwhile in Ireland’s top tips for getting the smells that will remind you of Ireland
- The fresh sea air is one of those scents that reminds you of this lovely green island. The best way to get this is to head up early in the morning, with no one around, and just take it in.
- The smell of freshly baked bread is one of the best smells to remind you of Ireland. If you don’t make it at home, go to a local bakery to find the smell.
- Just opening a cold tin of Irish cider brings back Irish memories in an instant. These memories will even be evoked when you order your cider when out pinting with friends!
- Winter in rural Ireland is ringing with the smell of burning turf, which is just the quintessential Irish smell. Head to Donegal anytime of the year and you will smell it.
- We recommend another early morning to catch the smell of the morning dew after rainfall has fallen during the night. A smell that will always remind you of home in Ireland.
10. Sunflower Oil – a smell for anyone who grew up in Ireland

Introducing a quirky candle to encapsulate Ireland’s beloved snack, the Tayto crisp!
Imagine this: the year is 1999. It’s a Sunday afternoon, and you’re in the pub with Mam and Dad. They’ve just handed you a bottle of Coke and a packet of Taytos. Life is good.
With the ‘Sunflower Oil’ candle, you can relive that childhood memory, but don’t delay! This candle sells out fast. (*NB. Not edible!)
9. Blooming Heather – one of the top ten smells that remind you of Ireland

If you don’t like your candles too strong, consider this light fragrance.
‘Blooming Heather’ has a woody and mossy smell, formed to capture the essence of the purple plant.
You may have spotted heather while hiking in Ireland. A hint of ‘Blooming Heather’ will help you to recall that fresh air on your face at the mountain’s peak.
8. Brown Bread – make your house smell like a bakery

The smell of freshly baked brown bread is hard to beat. With this candle, visitors to your home will think you always have something cooking.
The average loaf of bread pales in comparison to what’s made by hand in Ireland. Now, you can entertain your nostrils with our lovely ‘Brown Bread’ candle, one of the top ten smells that remind you of Ireland.
7. Irish Cider – one of our favourite scents

This candle flies off the shelves during the autumn and winter seasons. ‘Irish Cider’ smells like syrup or a juicy apple.
Whether you want to re-experience that night in the pub with your friends or the time you went apple-picking with your partner, ‘Irish Cider’ is a good choice for you.
6. Fresh Sea Air – live the life of a local fisherman

No matter where you are in Ireland, the beach is never far away. Treat your lungs to a breath at sea with this classic candle.
One whiff of this salty scent and you will hear the wind in your hair and the seagulls overhead.
5. Merino Wool – limited edition only

Every tourist visiting Ireland returns home with their fair share of Aran knitwear.
However, if there’s just no more room left in your suitcase for an Aran sweater or scarf, pick up our ‘Merino Wool’ candle.
Its clean and cosy aroma will be enough to keep you warm on cold winter nights.
4. Yellow Furze – the buttery smell of Ireland’s countryside

On every country road in Ireland, you will be met with the coconut-like scent of yellow furze (also known as gorse).
Now, regardless of where you live in the world, the smell of this Irish flower can live forever in your home. Order while stocks last!
3. Turf Fire – eliminate the cold this winter

One of our winter bestsellers, ‘Turf Fire’, is back due to popular demand. This candle exudes smoke and heat, balanced with oaky undertones.
Add warmth to your heart with the staple of every Irish winter, minus the hassle of a real turf fire.
Read more: See how he turf fire is one of the best signs that its winter in Ireland
2. Granny’s House – capture your childhood with just one candle

It’s sweet, floral, and fresh. It’s dust without the allergies. ‘Granny’s House’, our newest addition to the Irish Candle Collection, will transport you back in time.
Breathe in granny’s roses that were freshly picked from the garden, the vegetable soup warming up on the stove, and the earthy five-pound note in the palm of your hand.
Choose this candle to make your house a home.
1. Early Morning Dew – our number one pick from the top ten smells that remind you of Ireland

Of all the candles we have on offer, ‘Early Morning Dew’ best represents the scent of the Emerald Isle.
No matter where you are in Ireland, you will find rain, and you will find grass. Choose this fragrance and enjoy the crisp smell of a garden after rainfall.
To date, ‘Early Morning Dew’ provides us with the best alternative to international travel. And, with the entire Irish Candle Collection, Ireland is but a match and a flame away.
Your questions answered about the smells that remind you of Ireland
If you have read this article and still have some outstanding questions you would like answered, not to worry! You have reached the right place, for we have put together the most frequently asked questions about the smells that remind you of Ireland to us and from online.
What is it called when smells remind you of something?
The term is the ‘Proust Effect’, which is where a scent will immediately invoke vivid memories and emotions from a particular place, such as what these options above will remind you of Ireland.
What are the smells of a countryside?
The smells of a countryside, particularly in Ireland, include burning turf, cut grass, manure, spring, wild flowers, and the fresh morning dew to start the day.
What is a pleasant smell called?
A pleasant smell is called a fragrance. Perfume and aftershave is referred to as fragrance, while if you find the smell of coffee pleasant, it is because you like its fragrance.
What is the memory of a scent word?
The recollection of smells and odours is referred to as the olfactory memory.
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