The tradition of drinking tea is alive and well in Ireland, and we explore the causes behind the obsession.

Tea is ingrained in Irish culture and has been for centuries, but have you ever wondered why Irish people are so obsessed with the comforting beverage?
The truth is Ireland is one of the top consumers of tea worldwide, with the average person consuming six to seven cups per day, and of course, every Irish person knows someone who cannot start their day without it.
In this article, we will explore this fascinating topic to see why the Irish simply cannot get enough tea in their lives.
- The tradition of drinking tea is alive and well in Ireland, and we explore the causes behind the obsession.
- How tea came to Ireland – the beginning of the obsession
- The tradition of tea in Ireland – why Irish people are obsessed with tea
- Irish people drink an abundance of tea – one of the leading tea-drinking nations
How tea came to Ireland – the beginning of the obsession

Ireland is so connected to tea culture that the nation even has a tea named after them – Irish breakfast tea – but how did it all begin?
Tea dates back to the 1800s in Ireland, when it was first brought over from India by English merchants. Yet, back in those days, it was reserved for the wealthy, much like an aged whiskey.
Since this prestigious beverage was a drink of the upper class and English landlords, it did not circulate throughout the nation for many years, but this class of society were obsessed with the beverage.
Back then, tea parties became a thing when the wealthy would join together to enjoy their prized dark nectar, much like the custom of afternoon tea.
While tea was initially unavailable among the lower class, it wasn’t long before everyone could get their hands on the good stuff. Well, not quite ‘good’. When tea became available for everyone, it was usually the mediocre tea that stayed in Ireland.
In contrast, the best tea was shipped to London by the British Empire, who ruled Ireland at that time. This is why the Irish add milk to their tea. This was common practice to mask the taste of lower-quality tea, helping Irish people become obsessed with the drink.
The tradition of tea in Ireland – why Irish people are obsessed with tea

One of the main reasons why Irish people are obsessed with tea is that, over the years, it has become a daily ritual, and with this routine came a deeply rooted love for the beverage.
In reality, Irish people drink tea on every occasion, whether it’s their daily morning cuppa, a cuppa over a chat with a friend, a cuppa to relax after a stressful day, or a cuppa to warm up on a cold winter afternoon.
As you might have guessed, when tea became available to everyone, the obsession started, and this tradition is not going away any time soon.
Tea is generally known to be the cure for all ailments in every Irish household, and the obsession is so intense that there is often a nationwide debate about who provides the best tea – Lyons or Barry’s – similar to the competition between Pepsi and Coke.
Irish people drink an abundance of tea – one of the leading tea-drinking nations
It’s often said that tea is one of the best ways the Irish keep their tempers in check when dealing with cold, miserable weather for most of the year, which may have some truth.
We have to admit that one of the main reasons why Irish people are obsessed with tea is its magical powers: the ability to solve problems, the ability to bring people together, the ability to change your mood instantly, and the ability to give you that warm fuzzy feeling.
If you don’t already know, there is a ‘tea etiquette’ in Ireland with many unwritten rules.
Firstly, you never make a cup of tea for yourself without offering those around you the same; secondly, you never refuse a cup of tea even if you do not feel like having one; and thirdly, a household must NEVER run out of tea – that is a no-no in Ireland.
If that wasn’t enough, the nation that consumes over 15 million cups per day has even more rules, which you should know about, adding to their complete obsession.
In Ireland, you never invite someone into your house without offering them a cup of tea; tea must be brewed using scalding hot water, and the word ‘cuppa’ is only ever used for tea, never any other beverage.
So, there is the root behind Ireland’s obsession with tea, the causes behind the nation’s addiction, and the unwritten rules of Irish tea culture. Ireland’s tea obsession is only growing strong; even with the influx of hipster coffee shops, Irish tea is going nowhere.