Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, so follow these steps to avoid arguing with your ma.

Christmas is when family and friends come together to celebrate one of the most magical times of the year, but sometimes it doesn’t always go to plan – especially in an Irish household.
While the Irish mammies tend to fuss over the biggest and best dinner of the year, kids are racing laps around the house playing with their new toys and dad is generally told to keep himself occupied with a western or a pint of Guinness.
Of course, Irish Christmases are an absolute treat, and they never seize to leave us with fantastic memories, but to keep things positive, there are a few things that you should keep in mind – when it comes to avoiding annoying your mam.
Here are ten ways to avoid an argument with your ma this Christmas.
10. Avoid bringing up certain subjects – it’s a no-go area

Every family has taboo subjects that are guaranteed to set someone off, which are best avoided around the holidays. Irish mammies don’t want to spend Christmas day arguing, so don’t tempt them.
9. Keep the house tidy – stay on her good side

It’s a known fact that many Irish households are left messy at the end of Christmas day, with wrapping paper galore and empty glasses everywhere you look, but one of the main ways to avoid an argument with your ma this Christmas is to TRY at least to keep the house tidy, which she will appreciate.
8. Help her out when she is busy – an offer goes a long way

Irish mammies have a way of not asking for help when they need help but instead act as if they don’t need help when they do.
When you notice your ma fussing around, ask if she wants a little support rather than risk being deemed unhelpful or, worse still, causing an unnecessary argument.
7. Be kind to everyone – even the ones you don’t like

Nothing gives Irish mammies that fussy feeling more than seeing their loved ones be kind to each other and enjoy this special occasion in peace, so even if you aren’t that fond of a particular family member or someone gets on your nerves, at least hide it for your mother’s sake.
6. Don’t get too drunk (in front of her) – save it for later

One of the top ways to avoid an argument with your ma this Christmas is to pace yourself when your drinking, and certainly avoid getting bladdered when she is around – save this for later.
Irish mammies have a great way of knowing exactly how many drinks you’ve had, and they’ll tell you all about it.
5. Stay out of the kitchen (unless asked) – you’ve been warned

Okay, so we’ve mentioned that helping your ma out when she is busy is a crucial way to avoid confrontation in the house on Christmas, but this does not mean barging into the kitchen and spoiling her excellent work.
Irish mammies take Christmas dinner seriously, so stay out of her way unless you ask to pitch in.
4. At least pretend to like your presents – smile and say thanks

Many of us get gifts at Christmas that we either have no use for, didn’t ask for, or don’t like, but we beg you not to bring this up, especially if the present in question is from your poor mammy. In this scenario, the best thing to do is to use traditional Irish politeness and smile from ear to ear.
3. Put on her favourite Christmas film – bring back the nostalgia

Nothing puts our mothers in a joyful mood more than seeing their favourite Christmas movie on the telly, so to keep in your mammy’s good books, make sure to have her favourite film in the background. There is no way she will start an argument with anyone when she is happily nostalgic.
2. Don’t START an argument – simple & easy

This has to be one of the main ways to avoid a discussion with your ma on Christmas; just don’t start one.
It might be easier said than done, but it might be best to bite your tongue in certain situations to avoid an awkward position; just put on Christmas FM, and everyone will be in good spirits.
1. Don’t criticize her cooking – don’t do it

Just no! If there is one surefire way to avoid annoying your ma this festive season, it is by complimenting her cooking rather than criticizing it. We all know Irish mammies are fantastic cooks, so this won’t be a hard one to follow.
One of the phrases every Irish person hears around Christmastime is your mammy saying, “I better get ordering from the butchers”. She puts in so much effort, so cut her some slack.
So, there are the best ways to avoid an argument with your ma this Christmas; you’ve been forewarned!