There are many unique things Irish people do, and if you can relate to any of these listed, then you might just fit the bill.

Many things set Irish people apart from other nationalities worldwide, and some may seem downright strange to those who aren’t accustomed to living on this unique island, but that’s what makes us stand out, right?
Some of these things have become such habits to us throughout our existence that we may not even realise we do them. But if you do eight out of ten of these things, you are 100% Irish.
So, with that being said, let’s take a look at some of the things that make us genuinely Irish. How many can you tick off the list?
10. Saying thanks to the bus driver – it’s a standard procedure

Yes, you are 100% Irish if you do this, and you know why? Because hardly any other nations in the world do this! It could be because of our friendly nature and happy-go-lucky attitudes, but either way, we are sure that bus drivers are happier in Ireland than elsewhere because of this little trait.
9. Sitting in the car – it’s too cold outside

Do you ever find yourself going for a drive aimlessly and then sitting in your car to watch the rolling waves out the window or observing the flights taking off at the airport?
If you’ve found yourself saying yes to any of these, then you are an actual Irish person because no one else understands the comfort of this.
8. Praying to St Anthony to find something – he always comes through

One of the most Irish things in the history of our existence is praying to St Anthony to find something we have lost. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but we never give up hope when good old St Anthony is involved, and that’s just how it is in Ireland.
7. Making a crisp sandwich – our favourite snack

If you do this without thinking twice, you are 100% Irish. In other parts of the world, you would be gawked at slathering two slices of bread with butter and then stuffing a bag of crisps inside.
In Ireland, however, this is a true culinary masterpiece. And believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to make a crisp sandwich.
6. Taking the toiletries from hotels – we already paid for it

Yes, many people worldwide may do this too, but ALL Irish people do it. Why? Because they want to get their money’s worth.
Irish people say things like, “Well, I paid for this, so I’m taking it home”, or “It wouldn’t have been used otherwise”. We hate to see any waste!
5. Quoting Father Ted lines – it relates to everything

In Ireland, EVERYTHING relates to Father Ted, our beloved comedy series. Whenever we get the chance, we drag up a classic line from an episode which everyone will understand instantly. If you are not a fan of Father Ted, you cannot call yourself Irish.
4. Talking about the weather all the time – there is so much to say
This may be a habit for some people who haven’t yet realised, but you are 100% Irish if you always talk about the weather.
Irish people just love to have a natter about how cold it is, how warm it is forecast to be, how it said it would snow, but it didn’t, or that there is fierce ice on the roads this morning.
3. Seeking out a bargain – getting the best value

If you find yourself seeking a good deal – for anything – you fit into the category of being genuinely Irish. It might be that Ireland hasn’t always been a rich country, so it is ingrained in our DNA that we should always look for a bargain and get the best bang for our buck.
2. Not taking compliments – to avoid sounding conceited

This is one of the main things that Irish people do, so if you notice that you find it hard to simply say “Thank you” when complemented without feeling vanity or shame, then you are in the same boat as the rest of the nation.
Irish people would instead dim their light than big themselves up, and that’s that!
1. Saying hello to strangers – it’s the Irish way

Travel abroad, and you will notice that not every nation stops to say hello to a stranger; sometimes, they don’t smile or wave at someone they don’t know. In Ireland, this is the height of rudeness, and it is a known fact that you always nod, smile, or say hello to everyone and anyone.
So, if at least eight of these apply, you are 100% Irish. How many did you relate to?