The humble Super Noodle sandwich. The hangover cure of the gods. The student meal that saved your life waiting on your loan to come in. It’s a delicious snack when you do it right.

Are you partial to a Super Noodle sandwich? Have you ever been on the receiving end of the horrified look on someone’s face when you say they’re absolutely delicious?
Well, you have found your people because the Super Noodle sandwich is actually great – if you do it right.
Read on to find out how to make the perfect Super Noodle sandwich and why it is a god-tier-level snack when you’re feeling lazy, hungover, skint, or all of the above combined.
The Super Noodle sandwich – a tasty treat that splits opinion

The Super Noodle sandwich has become one of those controversial food combinations that have the ability to cause riots and anarchy in the streets.
If you haven’t had a Super Noodle sandwich before, then we have just one question for you – what’s the matter with you, and what are you waiting for?
Ok, that was two questions, but both are still extremely valid. If you haven’t had one, or even if you have and want to read about the best way to make one, then read on.
The perfect recipe – how to make the perfect Super Noodle sandwich

Much like a crisp sandwich, the tastiest Super Noodle sandwich requires the right bread and the perfect butter to really hit the spot.
When it comes to bread, you have to choose a simple white pan loaf, like Brennans or Hovis, and lather it in proper salty butter, like Kerrygold or Golden Cow.
When it comes to noodle flavour, it comes down to personal preference. However, for maximum deliciousness, we recommend BBQ beef or chicken-flavoured Super Noodles.
The great news is that the BBQ beef flavour is suitable for vegetarians, while the chow mein, peri peri chicken, and mild curry flavours are all suitable for vegans.
Variations – twists on the Super Noodle sandwich

There are many variations of this tasty treat. For example, using Pot Noodles instead of Super Noodles. This is an equally delicious snack that definitely spawned as a result of someone’s shocking hangover.
For this variation, it’s the green Pot Noodle, or it’s no Pot Noodle. No questions asked. Don’t trust anyone who makes a Bombay Bad Boy sandwich. Trust us.
Furthermore, some madmen among us will make Super Noodle toasties. When made in a proper toastie maker, this is a delicious treat as it’s warm and crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside.
If you haven’t tried a Super Noodle sandwich or toastie before reading this article, and you’re shocked and horrified, TRUST US. Try it before making any assumptions. Trust the process, and the results will be tasty and satisfying.
Controversial combinations – food choices that have the ability to start arguments and horror

The humble Super Noodle sandwich isn’t the only controversial food combination that divides opinion. Have you ever tried crisps and chocolate?
The combination of sweet and salty for some people is a treat unmatched. For others, it’s disgusting. However, now that Tayto has come out with a cheese & onion chocolate bar, OG chocolate and crisps enthusiasts are being proven right.
A more classic controversial combination that is universally put to the test is pineapple on pizza. Once again, it’s a combination of salty and sweet.
It’s a food combination that can split a room like no other. Which side of the room do you stand on?
Conclusion – have we convinced you to try it?

In conclusion, if you haven’t tried this amazing snack yet, we hope that this article has convinced you to go out and buy a loaf of bread, good Irish butter, and some Batchelor’s Super Noodles (this is not an ad).
If we haven’t, just know that you really are missing out on a simple and delicious treat that you can whip up in five seconds. Yes, we know it’s not good for you. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
For more interesting food-related content, check out our article on ten weird foods you’ll only find in Ireland.