Whether it’s weird Irish food combinations or food pairings that divide people around the world, let’s take a look at ten controversial food combinations that can end friendships.
Everyone is different. This means everybody has different tastes and opinions; it’s just a given. As such, there are certain food combinations around the world that always end in a heated debate at the dinner table; they can even end friendships.
A lot of the time, people will rule out liking food combinations before they’ve even tried them!
We’re going to take a look at ten controversial food combinations that always split opinions. So, which side of the debate are you on?
10. Super noodle sandwiches – delicious or disgusting?
Super noodle sandwiches can be the hangover cure of gods to some or the snack combination from hell to others.
It’s simply made up of your super noodle flavour of choice and some buttered bread, toasted or untoasted. Some people even make them into a toastie.
Whatever way you want to put it, this is one of the controversial food combinations that have the power to end friendships.
9. Crisps and chocolate – sweet and savoury
As controversial a combination as any, crisps and chocolate have been a food choice that has wrecked friendships for years.
However, Tayto crisps went as far recently as making a cheese and onion-flavoured chocolate bar. So, it must be popular enough! What are your thoughts on this one?
8. Pineapple on pizza – the argument-maker
This is one of the controversial food combinations that could quite literally start wars. No matter how many years this combo has been around for, some people can’t help but erupt into complete and utter disgust when a friend orders it in a restaurant.
So, it begs the question, are you team pineapple on pizza or bury that combo where it belongs? You may want to choose from some of these Irish friendship quotes to save the day!
7. Chips and ice cream – salty and sweet
Another controversial food combination is chips and ice cream or chips and a milkshake. It could be McDonald’s chips dipped into a McFlurry or a more gourmet version, but it’s a combo that always seems to divide opinion.
6. Ketchup on a roast dinner – some people will put ketchup on anything
It’s a fact that there are some people in this world who absolutely love ketchup, or as we call it in Ireland, red sauce. Some of these people will put it on literally anything.
Some people say these people just want to watch the world burn. You could go that step further and talk about people who put ketchup on mashed potatoes. Yay or nay?
5. Stew sandwiches – sloppy and delicious or just plain wrong?
For some of us here in Ireland, stew sandwiches with brown sauce are a source of pure nostalgia. You’re basically just cutting out the middle man of dipping your buttered bread into the stew, perhaps just a little bit messier.
4. Cucumber sandwiches – dividing opinions
What some might see as a light, tasty treat is seen by others as the snack from hell. If you’re not a fan of cucumber, this is never going to be the ticket for you, as cucumber makes up the entire filling of this sandwich.
However, if you are a fan, it’s the perfect light snack.
3. Ketchup and eggs – meant to be or meant to never touch ever?
Harking back to the red sauce debate with this one, ketchup and eggs is another one of the controversial food combinations that can end friendships.
Some people can’t think of anything worse than red sauce touching their eggs, no matter if they’re scrambled, boiled, fried, or poached. On the other hand, you have those among us who would absolutely annihilate a fried egg sandwich smothered in ketchup.
2. Watermelon and salt – balancing of flavours
This is an interesting one. For anyone who hasn’t tried this combination, you have to before you make up your mind about it.
It’s simple and effective for some, vile and unnecessary for others.
1. Butter and digestive biscuits – yes or no?
This is a simple treat that is served out in Irish households and to visitors of Irish households. However, some people think butter doesn’t belong on a digestive biscuit.
What’s your opinion on buttered digestives? Should they be left as they are to be dunked in a cup of tea or enjoyed buttered beyond belief?