Irish dads have their very own traits, and if you do any of these things, then you are turning into one.

Irish parents are in a league of their own. We often talk a lot about the typical traits of Irish mammies and grandparents. However, many hilarious characteristics occur with many Irish dads out there, too.
While many of these signs are rather comical, they also prove that Irish dads are, in fact, the best out there, and if you thought you didn’t fall into this category, then take a look at this. For your entertainment, here are the ten signs you are turning into a typical Irish dad
10. You consider yourself a golfer – there’s just something about golf

All Irish dads out there have either had golf lessons, consider themselves avid golfers or are keen to pick up golfing as a hobby. If this is you, then this is one of the main signs you are turning into a typical Irish dad.
9. You fall asleep in front of the telly – just resting my eyes

Have you woken up numerous times in front of the telly without ever remembering you dosed off? Do you use the phrase ‘I was just resting my eyes’ daily? Well, you can almost guarantee that this means you are turning into a typical Irish dad.
8. You have a special bottle of Irish whiskey – only the best

Many Irish dads have that special vintage bottle of Irish whiskey that only comes out on a special occasion, and if they offer you a glass, then you know you are in their excellent books. So, if you have a special bottle of the good stuff, you are a typical Irish dad.
7. You won’t go anywhere without your paddy cap – an essential item

In Ireland, the paddy cap is notorious amongst Irish dads and grandads, so if you find yourself popping on the paddy cap before heading off to the pub, you are a proven stereotype of an Irish dad.
6. You watch the 6 o’clock news religiously – the best time of the day

If you put the kettle on to make a cuppa just before six o’clock and then sit in front of the telly engrossed in the daily news while sipping on your tea, this is one of the main signs you are turning into a typical Irish dad.
5. You’ve got a shed full of tools – Mr fix it

Is there an Irish dad out there who doesn’t love fixing just about anything? If there is, we are yet to meet them!
Most Irish dads have a shed full of tools and a drawer full of random cables, which will come in handy whenever something breaks.
4. You do your best to save on the energy bills – not footing the bill

Do you run around the house turning off unnecessary lights and the immersion? Have you swapped your outdoor lights for solar, and do you complain about anything to do with using too much electricity? Then you are a typical Irish dad!
3. Dad jokes come easily to you – the gift of the dad

Irish dads have a wit like no other dads on the planet, and the fact that they laugh at their jokes, even when no one else is, makes us love them even more. You are the ultimate stereotype if you are fond of the old Irish dad jokes and classic Irish dad phrases.
2. You know exactly when the garden was last mowed – your precious garden

One of the most prominent signs that you are turning into a typical Irish dad is if you know exactly when the grass was cut last because you take great pride in your garden. It could also be that you won’t let anyone else near your pride and joy.
1. You text back with one word – using ‘K’ as a sentence

Irish dads aren’t overly fond of texting away on the phone; they would rather keep the technology to a minimum and instead talk your ears off in reality. So, if you respond to a text with one word, this is one of the signs you are turning into a typical Irish dad.
So, there it is, our list of the ten signs that you are turning into a typical Irish dad – how many of these traits have you picked up so far?